

Nowadays, people’s lives mainly evolve around routines. They get out of bed and go to work. Then return to their homes, have dinner, and maybe surf the web, read, or watch t.v. before they hit the sack. The following day, it’s the same thing all over again.

Are you one of those people? Are you guilty as charged of living a life engrossed by such dull and monotonous activities? If it’s a big yes you’ve got there, then you may want to consider a new sport to spice up your life.

I say go and climb Mt. Apo.

What is mountain climbing?

Mountain climbing, first of all, is a sport which involves climbing to reach the highest point of big mountains. It is one of the greatest and the toughest outdoor sports.

The core of mountain climbing is the perseverance, the stamina and the courage that a mountaineer has to put into this sport. This is for him or her to succeed against all dangerous elements that he may encounter while climbing the mountain.

The perks of mountain climbing

When you do this sport regularly, you will achieve optimal health. In a published article, it says that mountain climbing can improve stamina, endurance, and muscle strength. It also boosts flexibility and agility. Additionally, since it is a stress-buster, it is good for the over-all well-being of an individual.

Further, according to Nutristrategy, if you want to lose weight, mountain climbing will help you burn a whopping amount of 472 to 745 calories per hour!

Imagine all the benefits you can get from this incredible sport. Not only would you enjoy the beauty of Mother Earth, but you get to achieve that toned and ripped body you’ve always dreamed of.

Insights you will learn from mountain climbing

Mountain climbing will teach you to dream big. Once you have reached the summit of the mountain, you can say to yourself “If I have climbed this mountain, I can do everything that I want.”

Next, it will instill in you the value of optimism that whatever difficulties you will come across your path, you know within yourself that you will surpass them all.

Third, it will inculcate in you the significance of hard work. As Rick Warren puts it, “Nothing worthwile ever comes easy.” So before you can reach the peak of the mountain, you have to undergo a lot of preparations such as exercising regularly.

Why climb Mt. Apo?

I urge you to climb Mt. Apo for a different kind of experience. First, It is in Mindanao. If you haven’t been to Mindanao, you may want to try climbing Mt. Apo so that you will meet the Mindanaoans and learn about their culture, history, and norms.

Second, you have to see how majestic Mt. Apo is and the whole of Mindanao.

Third, Mt. Apo has the highest altitude in the Philippines. What more could be better than that? Once you have dominated Mt. Apo, you have earned the bragging rights of having climbed the Philippine’s highest peak.

Once in a while, go out of your comfort zone. Motivate and challenge yourself to do something you’ve never done before. Push yourself to the edge because “Life is not meant to be easy, it’s meant to be lived.”

Get up. Climb Mt. Apo. Discover Mt. Apo.

To know more about climbing Mt. Apo, you may want to check out our previous post.



How To Climb Mt. Apo Through The Kidapawan Trail

Climbing can really be considered as one of the most challenging outdoor activities. And what makes it more challenging? Try climbing Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.

If you are planning to climb Mt. Apo, the very thing that you need to do is to identify which among the available trails you are going to take. According to some professional mountain climbers, or those who have gone to this peak’s summit for a couple of times or so, Passing through the Kidapawan trail, which is located in Kidapawan City, North Cotabato, can be your easiest and most convenient option.

Mountain climbing is definitely something that you and your friends or relatives could really look forward to especially of the bonding experience that you will get to enjoy. So if you decide to opt for the Kidapawan Trail, here are some tips that you may keep in mind for you to completely enjoy a hassle-free trek to Mount Apo.

1. Reach out. This means that you need to contact the proper authority when it comes climbing Mt. Apo. Thus, you need to call up the Kidapawan City Tourism Office which is in-charge of this matter. Also, you need to know from them if the said trail will be open the moment you will have your trekking activity. You may contact them at +63 64 278 4776.

2. Reach Davao City. If you are from a location that is a plane-ride away from Mindanao, you need to fly to Davao City for you to reach Kidapawan City. When you are already in Davao, ride a van (whose terminal is located within the various malls in Davao City, like Gaisano Mall of Davao-Bajada and SM City Davao-Ecoland) for Kidapawan.

3. Visit Kidapawan City Tourism Office. We presume that you have checked with the Kidapawan City Tourism Office their complete address. Anyway, if you have not, we are pretty sure that everyone in the community knows where it is. So when you arrive in Kidapawan City, proceed immediately to its Tourism Office for you to register and get your climbing permit. It is also where you will listen to a briefing before you climb Mt. Apo.

4. Ride and enjoy. Have you tried riding on a habal-habal? But wait, do you know what it is? Habal-habl is the local name for a motorcycle. As you enjoy your ride, you will be brought to the starting point of your exciting journey.

5. You are on top! Reaching the summit of this picturesque and majestic mountain takes more or less 10 hours. Yes, it’s kind of a long hike if you are a first-timer, however, when you reach the top, the happiness and fulfilment that you will feel is certainly surmounting.

By the way, if you want a much more exciting yet a more convenient trek, send an email Enjoy climbing Mt. Apo!

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Be Safe and Ready for Mountain Climbing Part II

In our previous article, we talked about four practical tips which you can religiously consider if you want to have a safe and enjoyable experience on mountain climbing.

In the said article, we particularly cited we particularly cited about climbing the highest peak in a country as among the most sought-after destinations when it comes to this kind of outdoor activity. For the second part of the article, we will discuss about six other tips which will help you be prepared even more for that awesome climb that you have been planning about.

So check on the following tips for that great trekking adventure:

1. Let there be light. You can never be sure that when you climb up during day time, your way will be bright enough. With the many trees and boulders, there is a chance that your path will be dark. Also, you will surely still be there even during nighttime. With this situation, you need to bring with you some flashlights or headlamps. These are important trekking gear. Do not forget that.

2. A first aid kit in your things is also a must. When you are outdoors for mountain climbing, there is a risk of getting into accidents and suffer from cuts and bruises. Include in your first aid kit adhesive bandage and tape, antibiotic ointment, pain killers, and a small bottle of hydrogen peroxide or iodine antiseptic.

3. Avoid getting dehydrated, so bring enough water. When you are trekking towards the summit of a mountain, getting thirsty is certainly an inevitable occurrence. Therefore, you need to bring with you plenty of water.

4. Have your savior at hand – duct tape! It has always been an advise by experts that a roll of duct tape can be your best friend as it helps you save anything that is broken. For instance, if it was an extra windy night and a portion of your tent got torn, just get a duct tape and seal the damaged with it. Viola! Your tent is fixed.

5. Enjoy the climb. Trekking is not all about conquering the peak of a mountain. It is also about enjoying every site and sound that you encounter on your way up. Thus, you need to enjoy the scenery and the flora and fauna that you get to see as you move your feet and butt towards the top.

6. Be a responsible climber. Whatever it is that you bring with you in going up, you need to bring them back to where you came from. This means that everything, including your trash, must not be left up there.

Enjoy your mountain climbing experience!
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