
How To Climb Mt. Apo Or Any Mountain

Climbing a mountain, like Mt. Apo or any peak here in the Philippines, may appear as a very difficult outdoor activity for some. However, for several people, it is both challenging and exciting.

When it is your first time to try this adventure-filled journey, there are actually a number of tips you may consider for you to enjoy it despite the difficulty that you might experience while you are on your way up to the peak.

Below are some practical tips which you can read through while you are still booking a trip to the summit of the country’s highest mountain:

  1. Research, research and research. Like any other thing you would love to check or try, research is definitely a very important factor. Thus, you need to read a lot of materials that can help you prepare yourself for that great Mount Apo climb. After all, with the advent of technology, you can easily browse for good reads. Tips from friends and family members who have tried it out can also be of great help.
  2. Find out if you are mentally ready. Climbing Mt. Apo does not only require a healthy body, but a healthy mind, too. You need to know, therefore, if your mental health is totally prepared by asking yourself the following questions: Do I easily panic whenever something happens? Am I creative enough and quick to solve possible problems while trekking? Am I optimistic yet know when to conclude that something wrong is going to happen or already happening?
  3. Exercise, be fit, prepare your body. As mentioned above, physical health is also very necessary if you are planning about to explore this outdoor activity called mountain-climbing. Some of the best exercise routines you may do are jogging or running and wall-climbing, or anything that will improve your endurance and strength.
  4. Spend for the right gear. To become more comfortable in climbing Mt. Apo, you have to acquire the right gear and equipment.

Keep posted for more tips on mountain climbing and before you even think of reaching the summit of Mount Apo.

Climbing Mt. Apo: Preparation for Your Adventure

Climbing the Philippines‘ highest mountain, the Mount Apo, will surely be a great and fun adventure for you and your companions, however, certain preparations must be made first.

Considering that this is an outdoor activity that requires not only a healthy body but an equally prepared mind as well, certain preparatory measures must be considered prior to taking your first step towards the apex of the Mindanao peak.

Here are some tips that could help you keep going when you and your friends (or other family members) opt to climb the majestic mountain soon especially that summer is just around the corner:

  1. Never miss a healthy first meal for the day. Eating a nutritious and balanced breakfast is important for you to get the right amount of carbohydrates and nutrients to generate the much-needed energy for your great Mt. Apo climb. Remember that climbing a landform that is 3,144 meters above sea level is not an easy task. In short, you have to be packed with energy as you kick start your adventure.
  2. Provide your family all the details of your trek. This is a necessary move that you should take before you even think of wearing your trekking shoes and carry your climbing bag. This will ensure your safety throughout the climb. This means that your family is aware of when they should expect you home. Therefore, when you tell them that you would be back by Tuesday, they will surely look for you should you not be home yet by then.
  3. Be aware of the weather forecast during your climb to Mount Apo. Since reaching the top of Mt. Apo would entail a few days of trekking and climbing, depending on the trail that you are taking, it is extremely important to know the weather updates on the days that you will be away for your own safety. By doing so, you will be saved from bad experience when you climb on a bad weather.
  4. Never leave the compass. Climbing Mt. Apo is definitely an exciting journey, especially if it would be your first time to be on top of it. Amid this excitement, you must never forget the fact that you might not be familiar of the terrain and the right way to reach the peak. With the help of a compass, you will be guided on which path to take.
Keep posted for more practical tips as you climb Mount Apo!

Some Tips Before Climbing A Mountain Part II

Mountain climbing is definitely fun, right?

When you and your relatives and friends are looking for an outdoor adventure that can be attended and participated in by many, if not by everyone you are eyeing to be part of the team, you end up most of the time choosing mountain climbing.

Well, we can never blame you for that since we also know how exciting this particular activity is. However, before you start preparing your climbing necessities and putting on your climbing gears and hiking shoes, take time to know some additional tips first that will help you out throughout your journey.

In our previous article, we talked about six practical tips, while in this piece we are going to tackle about seven additional pieces of advice for your great trekking adventure. So keep on reading to know about these things.

1. Plan. Plan. Plan… especially if it will be your first time! Nothing can ever beat good planning. You need to plan out strategies on how to make your adventure worth remembering.

2. Aim for a more challenging climb next time. Since you already have an experience of going to the summit of a mountain, try something new on your second ascent. You may opt for expedition peaks as your next stop since they require long walks, great technical climbing skills and enough mountaineering expertise. So each time you go for a climb, make it a goal.

3. Get an experienced and trustworthy guide. Make sure that you get guidance from an accredited guide who is connected to a reputable mountain climbing operator. Remember that your trekking experience will be affected by altitude and terrain. Thus, it is very crucial that an experienced companion is at bay.

4. Be prepared. Preparation is key when it comes to ensuring that you will enjoy every experience that you will get while on your way up to the peak. If you are living away from the mountain you are planning to visit, make sure to book for your flight (or transportation) and accommodation the moment you reach the area near the adventure. Likewise, you need to ask around about permits and other legal requirements.

5. Know what lies ahead. Before hitting the summit, some climbers may need to stay in a base camp for a while. Find out if your mountain climbing adventure requires such. By the way, when you are in your base camp, maximize your stay by checking if all your gears are intact and complete.

6. Start hitting the mountain. Yes, begin to climb. Excitement will now officially start. But we have a tip: stick to your route. By doing so, you will have less chances of getting into accidents since you are going to take the route which you actually prepared for.

7. Descend only when you still have enough time to get down safely. Contrary to what others might believe in, descending is actually more difficult than ascending since you need to control the fall of gravity. Thus, be extra careful.

With these things given to you now, we are sure that you are already giddy about starting your mountain climbing escapade, right?

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