
How To Climb Mt. Apo Or Any Mountain

Climbing a mountain, like Mt. Apo or any peak here in the Philippines, may appear as a very difficult outdoor activity for some. However, for several people, it is both challenging and exciting.

When it is your first time to try this adventure-filled journey, there are actually a number of tips you may consider for you to enjoy it despite the difficulty that you might experience while you are on your way up to the peak.

Below are some practical tips which you can read through while you are still booking a trip to the summit of the country’s highest mountain:

  1. Research, research and research. Like any other thing you would love to check or try, research is definitely a very important factor. Thus, you need to read a lot of materials that can help you prepare yourself for that great Mount Apo climb. After all, with the advent of technology, you can easily browse for good reads. Tips from friends and family members who have tried it out can also be of great help.
  2. Find out if you are mentally ready. Climbing Mt. Apo does not only require a healthy body, but a healthy mind, too. You need to know, therefore, if your mental health is totally prepared by asking yourself the following questions: Do I easily panic whenever something happens? Am I creative enough and quick to solve possible problems while trekking? Am I optimistic yet know when to conclude that something wrong is going to happen or already happening?
  3. Exercise, be fit, prepare your body. As mentioned above, physical health is also very necessary if you are planning about to explore this outdoor activity called mountain-climbing. Some of the best exercise routines you may do are jogging or running and wall-climbing, or anything that will improve your endurance and strength.
  4. Spend for the right gear. To become more comfortable in climbing Mt. Apo, you have to acquire the right gear and equipment.

Keep posted for more tips on mountain climbing and before you even think of reaching the summit of Mount Apo.


Nowadays, people’s lives mainly evolve around routines. They get out of bed and go to work. Then return to their homes, have dinner, and maybe surf the web, read, or watch t.v. before they hit the sack. The following day, it’s the same thing all over again.

Are you one of those people? Are you guilty as charged of living a life engrossed by such dull and monotonous activities? If it’s a big yes you’ve got there, then you may want to consider a new sport to spice up your life.

I say go and climb Mt. Apo.

What is mountain climbing?

Mountain climbing, first of all, is a sport which involves climbing to reach the highest point of big mountains. It is one of the greatest and the toughest outdoor sports.

The core of mountain climbing is the perseverance, the stamina and the courage that a mountaineer has to put into this sport. This is for him or her to succeed against all dangerous elements that he may encounter while climbing the mountain.

The perks of mountain climbing

When you do this sport regularly, you will achieve optimal health. In a published article, it says that mountain climbing can improve stamina, endurance, and muscle strength. It also boosts flexibility and agility. Additionally, since it is a stress-buster, it is good for the over-all well-being of an individual.

Further, according to Nutristrategy, if you want to lose weight, mountain climbing will help you burn a whopping amount of 472 to 745 calories per hour!

Imagine all the benefits you can get from this incredible sport. Not only would you enjoy the beauty of Mother Earth, but you get to achieve that toned and ripped body you’ve always dreamed of.

Insights you will learn from mountain climbing

Mountain climbing will teach you to dream big. Once you have reached the summit of the mountain, you can say to yourself “If I have climbed this mountain, I can do everything that I want.”

Next, it will instill in you the value of optimism that whatever difficulties you will come across your path, you know within yourself that you will surpass them all.

Third, it will inculcate in you the significance of hard work. As Rick Warren puts it, “Nothing worthwile ever comes easy.” So before you can reach the peak of the mountain, you have to undergo a lot of preparations such as exercising regularly.

Why climb Mt. Apo?

I urge you to climb Mt. Apo for a different kind of experience. First, It is in Mindanao. If you haven’t been to Mindanao, you may want to try climbing Mt. Apo so that you will meet the Mindanaoans and learn about their culture, history, and norms.

Second, you have to see how majestic Mt. Apo is and the whole of Mindanao.

Third, Mt. Apo has the highest altitude in the Philippines. What more could be better than that? Once you have dominated Mt. Apo, you have earned the bragging rights of having climbed the Philippine’s highest peak.

Once in a while, go out of your comfort zone. Motivate and challenge yourself to do something you’ve never done before. Push yourself to the edge because “Life is not meant to be easy, it’s meant to be lived.”

Get up. Climb Mt. Apo. Discover Mt. Apo.

To know more about climbing Mt. Apo, you may want to check out our previous post.



What Is Mountaineering?

Mountaineering is an outdoor sports that a number of people are really into. But, how familiar are we with the sport? How about those who go out for mountain climbing, like reaching Mount Apo, do they fully understand what the sport is all about?

Mountain climbing, or trekking, is an adventure that actually needs perseverance and utmost willingness to pass through boulders and overcome various challenges as you move towards the mountain top.

Mountaineering is also a sport that requires anyone eho will try it to be extra careful and be sensitive of the things around him/her in order to avoid accidents. We must not forget as well that getting to the top needs not just courage but also requires us to be mentally, physically and emotionally prepared.

So what is mountaineering? How do we enjoy the magnificent view of Mount Apo?

Experience Every Mountain There Is

This means that for us to fully enjoy this sport, we need to experience every mountain and try to reach its summit since different peak gives us a different kind of experience. Therefoe, if you are a mountaineer from Luzon, why not try climbing Mt. Apo in Mindanao for a different taste of adventure?

However, experts remind us that we must be prepared enough whenever we are set to climb a mountain. Dont forget: every mountain needs varied skills requirements.

Expect For Challenges… Always

No matter how short or how high the mountain that you will trek, always keep in mind that challenges will surely come your way. Thus, be prepared for possible challenges by doing your assignment – research and ask around.

Try Climbing Your Country’s Hardest and Highest Mountains

Just like with climbing every mountain, we must also consider reaching the top of our country’s hardest and highest peaks for us to completely appreciate this kind of outdoor adventure.

Be Aware Of Weather Updates

We do not have to be an expert climber to understand this rule. By knowing the latest weather updates, we can keep ourselves away from accidents. Yes, we need to have good judgment whether to continue or not anymore.

For example, if we are reaching the peak of Mt. Apo, we need to know what the weather would be first so that we can decide if we are still pursuing our plan or not.

Mountain Climbing Poses Danger If Without Prior Preparation

Yes, this is certainly a great adventure but it sometimes connotes danger. In short, we have to be fully prepared before starting off.e

Do you want to enjoy mountain climbing now? Why don’t you contact an expert mountain climbing adviser right away?

Should you want to visit Mount Apo, visit first.

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